A black scenario for humanity
Will it be fulfilled or not?
Looking at various historical events, one can get the impression that evil is stronger than good. For example, at the beginning of human history, lies and evil overcome the truth and good in the Garden of Eden. Could God's people be powerless against evil? Why could not God help it?
It's worth asking further questions. Is this happening next? Will evil always overtake good? These are difficult and hard words that accurately describe our reality.
Originally, good and its mechanisms were to function among men forever.
Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They did not know evil. They were under the protection of angels, and through them also God. They were good and innocent. Unfortunately, as it turned out later, also not immune to evil. This is evidenced by the fact that the words of the Serpent, contrary to the words of God, listened to them. For it did not help Heavenly Father's warning about the fatal consequences of "eating fruit".
I recall what I explained in previous chapters. God created only good for the creation of the Kingdom of Heaven. He shaped man to "His image and likeness" so that he would be His perfect child who knows only the good, God's laws and their action in the universe.
The dream of a perfect world and the eternal will to live in happiness, good and love have always accompanied us. Meanwhile, in practice, things are different. These dreams are constantly eroded by the events that surround us. We destroy our happiness and good above all in a direct way through individual weaknesses, stupidity, conflicts between individual people and entire nations. There are various injustices, wrongs and even wars that are the result of hatred and revenge for the evil done. Satan wants such a world. It's his hell. He is still storming and destroying our dreams.
We are also able to devastate good fortune and good in an indirect way, trying to repair the existing situation. There are different "repairers", renovators, reformers who promise a change for the better. They often find many volunteers who create groups of their supporters. Unfortunately, conflicts quickly arise, act against people, force, and compulsion. There are protests, persecutions and even wars. The end result is the same as destroying the good in a direct way.
For thousands of years, conflicts, wars and blood have been pouring out. We are attacked by various enemies who want to subjugate us and sometimes kill us. What to do? Defend yourself or passively wait for death? Fight with evil or give up resistance? Arm yourself or try to negotiate with the enemy? And can lead the fight to the end to completely destroy the enemy? Is every price worth winning?
Is there any best answer to all these questions for people living in hell? Unfortunately, after thousands of years we still do not know the answer. In the meantime, evil still exists, and Satan is still "the god of this earth."
The evil has entered into the lives of people at the very beginning of our civilization and is deeply rooted in it. This means above all the spiritual presence of Satan in our fallen world. It is also a persistence in our personality inherited from her fallen nature. As a result of its existence in human society, evil wins with good without hindrance, and lies are more readily accepted than the truth. Love too often loses to hatred. It shows the whole history of mankind. In the majority of cases, people feel powerless in the face of evil, because it seems to them that nothing more can be done against his power. I ask a second time: will it always be this way? Will we always be immune to evil?
Since evil and its mechanisms have penetrated our civilization, it is for the good of humanity to constantly recall the principles of its operation. This is the first step not to give up and not recognize him as normal. The effects of underestimating the power of evil from Satan struck through the ages in all people, including those who did not believe in him. As the history of humanity proves, we often do not notice evil appearing in our lives, and sometimes we would even like to forget about its existence. In most cases, at the beginning, we simply ignore its appearance, and when we understand them, it is usually too late to stop its development. Then it performs huge damage, which is sometimes difficult to repair. This happens in our personal lives, and even at the level of entire nations. This was the case, for example, in the case of Hitler's, Stalinist, Red Khmer regimes and many others. Unfortunately, the mechanisms of such evil's coming to power are constantly repeated. Still millions of people are fooled by the false promises of political leaders who promise to create a better and fairer society, although often there is a bad "ruler of this world" behind them. Therefore, throughout my study, I repeatedly analyze the formation of evil, I realize the existence of its center, or Satan, as well as the effects of its operation. I stress with heartache that despite the enormous efforts of people, Satan still maintains his hell in our world. Unfortunately, this powerlessness also applies to me. The only thing I can do in this situation is to constantly warn against evil, its source and mechanisms. I ask once again: will it always be this way? Can anything be done against the power of evil?
Many of us in everyday life quite easily distinguish good from evil. It is much harder to separate them in social life, and the most difficult at the top of power. It seems that this is what the "evil god" of our world is all about. Social evil begins when it comes from the mouths of the great leaders of nations, from government and parliamentary pulpits. They tell us that they create goodness, that they fulfill the will of the people and that what they do is needed. According to them, all who are against them are evil, they must be stigmatized and even removed from society. For many leaders who want to rule us, evil is often called good and a lie is true. Cynicism is just as common with this phenomenon, because many of those who do this know that it says untruth. However, they do so for a career, money and other benefits. In this way, the mechanism of evil is still functioning.
It seems that the honest democracy that most people desire most does not stand a chance of clashing with different regimes. Evil quite often wins first in the form of populism, and then rather quickly turns into various kinds of totalitarianism and tyranny. That was the case with fascism and Nazism, so too was communism and dictatorships derived from it. The mechanism of evil in politics and in everyday life has been repeated for thousands of years. No experience in history allows us to hope that this chain of evil can be definitively interrupted. Once Jesus Christ himself became convinced of it, becoming it victim. We must therefore say with sadness that this situation continues to prolong the eternal suffering of humanity. And it is the situation of the "master of this world" that is most important in this situation. I repeat the question: will it always be this way?
People, of course, wanted to change this state of affairs. Above all, they lived hoping that God would help them and everything would change for the better. Years, hundreds, thousands of years pass, and no change for the better appears. An example of this is the fact that the evil in the world after the coming of Jesus is the same as it was before His coming. Could the Creator not deliver our world from evil? Could He not intervene and eliminate the mechanism of evil and remove Satan from power? Unfortunately, it seems that He Himself, without our significant participation or against our will, cannot do it. There is no doubt that our participation in the overthrow of the dictatorship of "the master of this world" is indispensable. It must be remembered that God could not intervene in the fall of Adam and Eve, he could not, in spite of persuasion, interfere in the killing of Abel by Cain, and above all He could not bring evil people before the crucifixion of Jesus. Therefore, I would like to emphasize for one time in a row that God does not interfere in evil and cannot eliminate only from Himself. Humanity has gone through thousands of years of suffering, crimes, wars and other terrible things, and He could not help it. Therefore, many of us do not believe in Him at all, because such ineffective and awkward God makes no sense to them. The present evil "ruler" of mankind is very happy about this.
Meanwhile, thanks to our original nature, we still think about God, we miss the good and we hope that one day a perfect world will emerge. This is our eternal hope that despite the passage of thousands is still in us. Even when evident evil touches us, this hope never goes out. A striking example of such a state is the belief that the crucifixion of Jesus has a winning overtone. Although He was the victim of a crime, his death and resurrection are treated as a success by Christians. It is no wonder then that this half-victory over Satan resulted in the rise of Christianity, which claims that this crime was the salvation of the world and that God wanted it. It is a pity that human hope turned into such a not-so-reasonable theory, but that's what its phenomenon is about. This is also confirmed by faith in ultimate justice in the form of the end of the world and the Last Judgment. In my opinion, this hope is rather a proof of human helplessness in action for the elimination of evil. Unfortunately, this situation is conducive to the further functioning of evil mechanisms.
One can presume that if we do not change our vision of salvation, then evil will exist forever. This is the situation for my black scenario for humanity. If it came true, it could be a failure for the Creator. For now, I do not allow these negative thoughts. My constant hope comes from the fact that God exists beyond time and space. For Him, thousands of years can be a very short period of time. If the salvation takes place in the next thousand years and eventually the Kingdom of Heaven arises on Earth, then in the eternity scale the entire evil past of humanity will be only a small episode. Then the "infernal" period of our history will be only a bad memory for us. Logic therefore implies believing that one day evil will end.
One of the blackest scenarios for humanity envisages its extermination as a result of war with the use of nuclear weapons. Probably such a tragedy would not only be a defeat for humanity, but also for the Creator Himself. Could this happen, despite the belief that the Creator should not fail? I think that if there was such a cataclysm, there will always be a "Noah" that will survive the destruction. I deduce this from the biblical description of the flood. When treating the Bible as a didactic book, one should assume that the story of Noah placed there explains that there will never be complete destruction of humanity.
In expectation that one day in the future will end evil and there will be eternal goodness, we have one more hope. Most religions say that after death we will live in a good spiritual world. For example, Christians believe that they will live in paradise, which Jesus Christ opened. We still have it, because thanks to this our fate may depend on our efforts, it means that we will live honestly, rejecting evil. Many live this hope because they know they can do nothing more. It helps a little to not break down completely and not to experience constant pain as a result of observing the actual state of our world. This attitude insists on remembrance of the end of the world, because many believe that in the final judgment God will transfer the lives of people to the so-called heaven. This means that one day the physical world will cease to exist, and only the good spiritual world known as the Heavenly Kingdom will remain. In this study I try to explain the absurdity of such a scenario, although I feel very sorry for those who hope for this form of the end of evil.
There are indeed moments in which people doubt the possibility of the creation of the world under the authority of God. They begin to think that it is better to come to terms with the situation and not to fight evil. The extreme comes when the worship of Satan appears. Some people lead a good life in the world under his rule. This has been happening for a long time. There are even those who connect the process of salvation with Satan. They think that since the Creator is all-powerful, Satan will someday return to God's favors, and then all who have been faithful to him will return to God with him, and the irreversible evil will disappear. They hope that if God created the Archangel Lucifer, then Satan will eventually cease to exist, accepting the original, positive form again. It is rather a risky philosophy. I think that Satanists will not gain anything in this way, because their faith is about a being that the Creator did not have in His plans and which is not His work. Satan appeared as a result of the fall in the Garden of Eden, which took place with the participation of him and the people. According to the concept of Heavenly Father, people from the beginning have held a higher position in the hierarchy of the spiritual world than angels. So putting yourself in the position of a servant of a fallen archangel is doubly wrong. This, moreover, may apply not only to the Satanists themselves, but also to every human being.
The goal of each man's dream should be to free himself from the current situation. Then we should go to the ideal spiritual world, leaving forever the bad state created on Earth. However, before this happens, it is worth constantly reminding every human being about the causes of the present reality. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the real effects of the situation that occurred at the beginning of human history. Not everyone is aware of the fact that we can be compared to prisoners locked in a prison isolated from the world, which is not properly informed about the real, free life. We die without reliable knowledge of ourselves, and after death we are confused by entering the spiritual world unknown to us. It would be best for each of us to get in the hands of good angels and, with their help, finish their growth to perfection. Then our spiritual persons could completely break off contact with the "satanic" Earth and start a proper life in the boundless universe under God's control. Sometimes I think it really is when people loved by me ones disappear forever after their death.
Let me remind you what I mean by the black scenario for humanity. I argue that if there is no salvation, then Satan will always be our "god". Then Satanists will find themselves in the most favorable position in society, because for them it will not be so "black". In addition, this scenario is not so unlikely. After all, we have many thousands of years of "satanic civilization" behind us, and the "white" scenario is still not on the horizon.
Perhaps this and not the other beginning of humanity has definitely and permanently shaped our imperfect civilization. You can see that all attempts to fix it are a manifestation of our subconscious sense that it is bad, although it should be good. The many failures of the central figures of the Old Testament, and above all the partial victory of Jesus Christ over Satan, are proof of this. If such an unprecedented opportunity for the full salvation that was in his time was not used, then you can really have black thoughts about the future salvation of mankind. Perhaps the only act of salvation, or rather redemption, is the opening of Paradise by Him, or the spiritual world deprived of Satan's influence. Perhaps this must be enough to enable people to achieve perfection in the spiritual world. Although I do not like it, I must say that such a solution can be final and that it will be so forever.
For the time being, mankind is still unconsciously waiting for the salvation to be made by God himself, although in previous chapters I have shown that it is illogical. We also do not allow ourselves to think that it can never happen, and that evil will last forever. If we continue to be so passive and blind to the logical conclusions arising from the laws and principles derived from the Creator, we are indeed waiting for our eternal hell on Earth. Unfortunately, this must be taken into account. Counting from the earliest times, we have not learned anything based on the experience of previous generations. It is begging to repeat the popular saying: I can see it in black.
I do not want to remain in the black scenario in this chapter, although this is its title. For the fact of Satan's eternal reign, my original nature does not agree, though it is drowned out by that evil, fallen one. Good nature always dreams of a perfect world, while this evil tells us to "tread" hard on the fallen earth. In this state of unnatural inner tear caused by the coexistence of both these natures, it is impossible to live for all eternity. One of them must ultimately win and fill our entire personality. The victorious nature cannot be the fallen nature, because then it would have no sense described in this study, the Original Being, the Source of original nature. Only the complete elimination of fallen nature, the disappearance of evil, or the victory of good, makes sense in the light of what I wrote in this study.
Is there an alternative to a black scenario then?
I see two such scenarios. The first, quite typical, and the second strongly futurological.
This typical scenario has already been described in several places in this study, and most precisely in the chapter titled "Salvation of the world". The main conclusion which follows from it concerns the attitude of people towards the Returning Redeemer. The point is to recognize it properly and not to "crucify" him. Then our world could begin to revive and we could return to the original scenario foreseen by the Creator. Unfortunately, one must also guard against other mechanisms of evil. The rejection of the incoming Savior does not have to be done through literal murder. We can imagine a complete lack of support for him, a lack of understanding of his teachings, as well as leaving his fate in the hands of politicians and fanatical followers of various religions. Once, in ancient Israel, such a political and religious mix led to the loss of the possibility of full salvation, which Jesus Christ was to accomplish. Unfortunately, the observation of the current situation in the world leads to a black scenario.
I will now turn to the futurological scenario.
What I present here follows logically from the content of my entire study, which I have called the Touch of Eternity. Since I argue that God can not intervene in our world to save it alone, and the inhabitants of the Earth are unable to carry out the process of salvation, it can be done by someone from outside. I still predict that people should do it, though not necessarily from our planet.
From the point of view of someone from the outside, it seems that on one of the planets shaped by the Creator there was a tragedy that still causes suffering to His children. It is a pity that this fate has just met our Earth. In my "black" perception, I have described it as a hell in which we must live. Satan who reigns in it and his evil angels are at the same time isolated from the proper, God's spiritual universe. Therefore, finding humanity under their evil rule in a dramatic way stopped our development. Therefore, from our Earth, nobody can enter the perfect spiritual universe immediately after physical death. We live first locked in a physical hell on Earth, and after death we wander in an unknown spiritual world reminiscent of one large waiting sphere. Its spheres are as if placed in the "big cloud" covering our reality, creating a gigantic extension of our "earth prison".
Is it possible to count on the fact that in this difficult situation other human civilizations will come to help us, which, according to my supposition, may be somewhere in space?
Such a solution, despite great hopes, may not take place yet, if nobody in the universe knows about our dramatic situation. This is quite likely. Perhaps this is not just about the level of technology. For sure it would be difficult to communicate civilization at the level of the oldest period of Babylon culture with civilization at the level of our twenty-first century. Perhaps this is the difference between our civilization and other highly developed ones on those planets. With a less pessimistic scenario, you can imagine our Earth lost in the endless cosmos as a lonely planet, to which no information reaches the rest of the universe, and at the same time no one knows anything about this planet.
However, I'm afraid that the main problem is still somewhere else. It may be that we are a "lonely island of evil" in space, the only fallen human civilization. The evil on our planet could have made us so spoiled and strangers to the universe that there was a huge spiritual "gap" between us and us. In addition, because of evil, we can be so foreign to them that they will be afraid of us. It seems that we can be outside the stabilized good in the universe, as if in an abyss, always on evil. However, I hope that it is not so, because it would be a really black scenario.
I have already written that God is perfect and unchanging. Therefore, on other planets in the universe, similar to Earth, He could create people with a physical structure identical to ours. What is most important is the fact that probably no other human civilization in the universe experienced such a tragedy that our civilization underwent in the Garden of Eden in the first years of its existence. All others should be fully perfect, not contaminated with evil. It gave them hope that they were smart enough to help us. They can invite the same angels who cooperate with us to cooperate with us. For now, these good angels, based on the present humanity, cannot do much, which can be considered bad news.
The good news is that these good angels know our current situation. Therefore, when carrying out the salvation of our Earth, they could be suitable guides for people from other planets. We know that perfect people have even more power than angels. They can therefore stand to duel with Satan, just as Jesus did. Such an army of "saviors" could certainly deal with Satan and his evil spirits. Unfortunately, this good civilization will not come to us with space ships. Only spiritual people can reach Earth. Therefore, it will be necessary to help the physical persons currently living on our planet. Individuals should offer their physical persons to the spiritual people of newcomers from that unpolluted planet evil. This mechanism of the use of a physical person by a "foreign" spiritual person has been foretold by the Creator long ago that all people of all times could participate in the life of both their planet and other inhabited planets in the entire universe. This could mobilize other people on Earth to join the process of clearing the world of evil. Additional help and experience can be offered by spiritual people from paradise, or saints led by Jesus. They know who our main opponent is on Earth. This would eventually lead to the original plans of the Creator and teach us to live in the world under His authority. This process would last until God could be directly involved in our lives. This would happen as a result of the perfection of the first human pair, that is, what Adam and Eve could not achieve. They would become the proper parents of all humanity, giving birth to the Divine pedigree of our race. Then this scenario would be similar to the original scenario described in my study. It would not be a black scenario anymore, but one that leads to the creation of an ideal world. From this follows a simple conclusion, of course very futurological and coming partly from the realm of dreams, that we need salvation from people who already somewhere in the universe realized the Divine concept of the world, the Kingdom of Heaven.
What I wrote above sounds incredible, but it results from a logical analysis of the state of the universe, which, in my opinion, arose in accordance with the concept of the Creator.
Presenting such a futurological vision of the universe, I also thought about people of science, that they would also understand our specific situation. Of course, scientists need not be persuaded to search for civilizations on other planets in space. They have been doing this for a long time. I think that in the near future we will reach the appropriate level of technology enabling effective interplanetary communication, so that in the universe there is something known about us. Then, possibly, we could try to eliminate our hell with outside help.
Is all that I wrote above just fiction? Or maybe it's just my dreams?
The answer to these questions will bring the future...