The responsibility for salvation


The Role of God, Savior, people and angels in the process of salvation

I have repeatedly emphasized in this study the perfection of creation made by God. The Creator is perfect in every detail, because it is one of His basic qualities. Everything indicates, therefore, that there should be a perfect world inhabited by perfect people. To understand this, it is necessary to know about the participation of angels and man in the creation of the ideal world, which was the subject of the first chapters of this study.

Because we do not have a perfect world, there are a lot of questions open. First of all, why did not the Kingdom of Heaven arise? It is also connected with the question of God's responsibility for creating the world. Further questions concern the current state. If there has been a fall and we have a fallen world, there are doubts about this situation, that is, responsibility for the evils created. Next, there must also be questions about the process of salvation, or more strictly about the responsibility that the Creator, Jesus Christ, angels and people bear for it.

This chapter will cover the topics:

1. Responsibility of God

2. Responsibility of angels

3. Responsibility of the Savior

4. Responsibility of people in the spiritual world

5. Responsibility of people on Earth.

First, it is worth understanding the Creator's responsibility for His Creation. Throughout this study, the assumption is made that God is absolute Perfection. He planned to create an ideal world, or the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in the spiritual world. He created man for His image and likeness to become His perfect child. In this respect, there is a 100 percent responsibility of God. Of course, God fulfilled His responsibility. At the same time, angels were created, and this also happened for a specific purpose with the full responsibility of the Creator. During the creation of the world, God spoke and described His activities with the words "let's do" and He assessed that what He created was good. Scriptural records prove this. In this way, Heavenly Father could only turn to angels, preparing them for future teaching and looking after His children. Because they "came from the hands of the Creator", they should be perfect in this area. They were to prepare people for the highest level of perfection, exceeding their own level. They were never to leave their position of servants towards God and his children, as the Bible records also say. That was and still is their responsibility.

The responsibility of the people was to accept the laws and principles from God and accept His fatherly love. It was to be enough for them to go through a period of growth to personal perfection. The only threat was that the power of love given to God's children could work in the wrong direction in the relationship with the Archangel who looked after them. Just overcoming this threat was a human part of responsibility for creating the perfect order of domination in the Kingdom of Heaven. In relation to God, it was insignificant, but indispensable for people to be real heirs of the Creator and masters of the world of angels. However, the responsibility of angels in the process of creating the world was greater than in the case of people. It was the kind of responsibility that the teacher has for his students. That is why the fulfillment of it by the Archangel in the Garden of Eden was crucial and necessary to create a perfect world.

From the previous chapters and from the knowledge of the real state of the world, it appears that the Kingdom of Heaven was not created due to the failure of its part of responsibility by Archangel Lucifer and the first people. Therefore, I claimed that spiritual beings, including people's spiritual people, have their own part of responsibility independent of God. This is what differs from all physical beings, especially from animals. The first men and the Archangel, as part of their responsibility, were to properly direct the power of love that the Creator had given them. Unfortunately, despite His warning, the misguided power of love led to the fall of the Archangel first and then of the people. As a result of this tragedy, the Archangel together with the children of God found himself outside the world originally prepared for them. Both he and the first two people did not fulfill their part of responsibility and started the hell where Satan has become the lord from that time. All this is described in detail in previous chapters. It also makes clear who is responsible for the tragedy in the Garden of Eden.

This fall turned the entire order of creation "upside down". A new sphere has been created, that is hell, completely outside this order given by God.  Therefore, it is not subject to the responsibility of the Creator. This means that He has nothing to do with it.

Responsibility for the process of the salvation of the world is one of the most important topics of this entire study. It is now clear for us that the Creator cannot participate directly in this process because it concerns an evil, fallen world. I must repeat again that God does not know evil. It is an abyss unknown to Him, in which He cannot interfere.

Who, then, can lead the process of salvation? Of course, those who have access to the fallen world, that is, people and angels. As for the fallen angels, we cannot count on them in principle. Satan himself, certainly the fallen Archangel Lucifer, and the subjects of his angels or evil spirits will not contribute to the salvation.  These are those who were direct witnesses of the fall, which in the spiritual world is tantamount to participation in it. Therefore, the angels of God, headed by Jesus Christ and all men, those on earth and those in the spiritual world, should naturally be responsible for the salvation of the world.

God has only indirect participation in the process of salvation. This means that every human being receives support from Heavenly Father in the form of His love and the immovable source of laws and principles, that is, in the form of Providence.  Jesus Christ, born among men, but not belonging to hell, represents the Creator in this process and is the driving force of all actions. The testimony of God's indirect participation in salvation is the fact that the angels who are appointed guardians of humanity continue to play an important role in bringing the world to the state of the Kingdom of God. This is their unchangeable responsibility. They have at their disposal the power of God and the possibility of influencing the spiritual persons of people on Earth and in the spiritual world.

People inherited from God the attributes of His personality, because they were created in His image and likeness. Apart from love, goodness, the possibility of logical thinking and many other attributes, we inherited a sense of responsibility after Heavenly Father. Our fallen nature, imposed upon us by the "master of this world", cannot drown out what we have taken from the Creator. Therefore, people, with the indirect support of God and the direct support of Jesus and angels, have a chance to bring full salvation to all humanity.

The fundamental mistake of many religions is the passive waiting for salvation to come from God. According to them, it is to be done only with His Will, His power and providential action, and in addition in the form of an unexpected event. This attitude can only be justified by the tendency to treat Jesus Christ as God Himself. This, however, further leads to the conclusion that God saves, or repairs evil, for which He is not responsible. This erroneous attitude of many religions is the cause of people's passivity and their increasing dependence on the action of fallen nature. This attitude is very much liked by the "master of this world", because it can guarantee him further long rule of the world.

But how is practically a single person to work for the sake of salvation? Jesus showed this in a simple example, performing a wonderful multiplication of bread and fish. Proper interpretation of this event means acting by sharing with others what everyone has the most valuable. It's all about knowledge that comes from the original nature of man and about passing it on. It's like a communal rumor, which gradually spreads among people and over time begins to constitute an unwritten truth. This makes sense in the era of smartphones, the Internet and social networking sites, such as Facebook. At that time, people do not need supervisors, organizational structures and ceremonies. Each individual, supported by his guardian angel, may, as part of his responsibility, influence the salvation of the world.

The conclusion from the above reasoning is clear. For the salvation of humanity, people and angels led by the Savior are responsible. At the same time, they are all supported by Divine Providence, that is, His infinite love and eternal laws and principles.

After this, I am sure there are many "technical" questions about the practical implementation of the actions described above.

It's natural!  I also have many questions!

















 The theory of eternal existence - (in English)