Science helps to understand eternity
Once we completely reject the "religious" God, and even become atheists, it is worth finding some good will in ourselves to understand the Original Being, that is, a more "scientific" God.
The path of science is from the imagination to the evidence stage. First, ideas arise, and after hypotheses are formulated, models of reality arise that validate these hypotheses. If the test result is negative, the hypothesis and related model are changed. It then starts all over again, involving the wider imagination. This is how my essenceism system was created.
By presenting essenceism, I would like to join the global exchange of scientific views. Well, in my case, it is about views that science does not currently deal with. Until now only religion has applied to them, but it does not use scientific methods. It is about logical analysis and searching for answers to such questions: Who is God, is He the Creator of the universe; and if so, how did He do it? Is He the only source of good? Is man an animal-like or creator-like being? Is there a source of evil? If so, is it personal? And so on…
Years ago, scientists from various universities and institutes created the Internet to share knowledge at a global level. This greatly improved the development of science and led to its better knowledge. As a result, I noticed that many religions still resemble ancient mythology in that they are full of myths and concepts that contradict science. In the duels between science and religion, it always turned out that science was right after all. Still, many people accept simultaneously two contradictory "truths", although the scientific one is based on knowledge, and the religious one is based on faith.
Thanks to the development of astrophysics, quantum physics, molecular chemistry, microbiology and other new branches of science, and thanks to the developed tolerance of being so-called non-believers, it is now possible to talk about topics that were previously reserved only for religious denominations. A developed democracy has opened the way to freedom of opinion, hence science is gradually replacing religion. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Earth believe more in scientific evidence than in religious miracles.
The essenceism system I use here is based on a scientific approach to religion, and it will always be so. I was largely "unlocked" by the thoughts of researchers who did not believe in current religious doctrines. However, I still see that their works are something between the formation of another religious denomination and the actual advancement of knowledge on these topics. Their doctrines, too, contain too many old concepts unacceptable to sound logic and scientific thinking. Knowing this, I decided to conduct my own independent research and logical analyzes that should lead to a proper understanding of the existence of God and eternity in man. The websites and, the book "The Touch of Eternity" and five studies on essenceism are based on this approach to religion.