Jesus Christ - the Lonely Redeemer

The reality of the work of Jesus Christ


In the original sense, the Savior is the Messiah, whom the Jewish people have waited for thousands of years. They are waiting for Him to this day, despite the appearance of Jesus Christ. Now, Christians believe that He was the Messiah. It is worth realizing that from the beginning His mission was marked by biblical prophecies about the suffering of the Savior of mankind. At the same time, these prophecies were accompanied by other biblical references to his future great glory and the coming Kingdom of Heaven. Two thousand years ago, Jesus' fate depended on how people would accept Him, because only human choice and attitude could decide on the fulfillment of one of two conflicting prophecies. God, when He brought man to life, gave him free will, and so it is to this day. Therefore, in the Garden of Eden, He could not force Adam and Eve to obey the warning given to them. All the more, He could not influence the choice faced by the Israeli people living in the world under Satan's rule.

For the Jewish people the coming of the Savior should not be a surprise. Jesus Himself did not come into the world by chance or in any unpredictable moment. He came when the chosen people worked out the right moment on the road of several thousand years of efforts realistically, especially by successive central figures, such as Noah, Abraham or Moses. I believe that He was born as soon as possible after all the necessary conditions were fulfilled, that the Second Adam without original sin would be born on Earth. This conclusion stems from an understanding of the rights Providence of God, which runs continuously, and which seeks to ensure that the Earth was created as soon as the Kingdom of Heaven. At the same time, the entire spiritual world waited with the longing for the fulfillment of the Messiah foretold for centuries, so that people would no longer suffer under Satan's rule.

It was one of the most important moments in the history of mankind.  On the one hand, God waited for Jesus to fulfill the historic mission of restoring the right order of things. On the other hand, Satan did not want to allow his unrighteous power over people to end and he spared no effort to make the Jews do not fulfill the Will of God. Everything depended on the Jewish people.

As long as there was hope for full salvation, if Jesus accepted the nation as the Messiah, He would not speak about His death. At that time, Satan tempted Him first, and then he did everything to bring about His death. However, the moment came when Jesus began to speak of his martyrdom as a historical necessity. This happened when it became clear that the chosen people could not accept Him. He understood that only through death on the cross would He be able to save part of His mission and redeem mankind in this way. It was then that Satan understood that Jesus had transformed His mission from the mission of salvation to the mission of the redemption of mankind. That's why he changed his way of acting and began to dissuade Jesus from the death of the cross. This is described by the situation when Peter in the Cenacle tries to persuade his Master to avoid death.  This met with Jesus' retort in the form of Peter's accusation of being an instrument in the hands of Satan and misunderstanding the situation in which his Master was at that moment.

From the above it follows that from a certain moment Jesus was not able to realize His original, proper mission full of the salvation of humanity. A situation arose forcing the promised Messiah to change the concept of salvation, caused by the lack of faith of the Jewish people. Hence the subsequent repeated assurances of Jesus that He must reappear in the future. Such assurance consists only when somebody want to finish the work already begun.  If Jesus had fully completed His mission and accomplished what He appeared among the people, there would be no need for His return to Earth to complete the work of humanity's salvation.

Jesus was to save the world by working together with the Jewish people chosen for Him. In fact, all Jews living at that time should become His apostles. Together with Him, they should go all over the world and carry out a process of total salvation for humanity. In a changed sense, these plans were later implemented.  In fact, not long after his death on the cross and resurrection, the Jews were divorced throughout the world, as they were told. They divorced, unfortunately, without Him, without a historical goal and not voluntarily. In this way, the historic chance of the total salvation of humanity has been finally wasted.

Why, then, did not the full salvation of mankind come about?

First, Jesus was abandoned by His own people, who not only did not believe in Him, but still demanded His crucifixion. Meanwhile, even the imperial viceroy, Pontius Pilate, had doubts about His guilt.

Secondly, a problem quite important to Jesus was associated with the person of John the Baptist. Here one should notice a significant misunderstanding by this well-known prophet of his extremely important mission. Logically, he should become the first apostle of Jesus. In the meantime, he was just "a voice calling in the desert". By moving away from Jesus, he made it difficult for Jews to believe in Him as the Messiah. For they did not see him, foretold by the prophets, Elijah, in whose role John was to play.

Third, Jesus, at the most critical moment, was abandoned by His own apostles.  They fell asleep at the moment when they were to watch with him. In addition, one of them, Peter, denied Him, and another, Judas, simply betrayed Him and handed him over to the perpetrators.

So if it were true to say that Jesus came to save humanity through death on the cross, then Judas should be a saint because he helped in the crucifixion of Jesus.  The foundation of Christian faith is the conviction that salvation comes through the cross. Unfortunately, this is not exactly like that. Only redemption comes through the cross. Through the cross, Christians also suffer and need to imitate Jesus, that is, to "carry" the cross. It was not supposed to be that way. Heavenly Father always expects people to accept His Son, love Him and return to Him with Him.

If the crucifixion of the Son of God were the original Will of God, at the moment of death on the cross, Jesus would be satisfied and happy for the full realization of His mission.  In the meantime, it was not like that. Jesus was very sad because he had only to a limited degree reversed the effects of the fall from the Garden of Eden.

In the light of the above, we can see how dramatically the declaration of Jesus about friendship is: "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15, 13), if we combine it with the fact of denying Him by the best apostle, Peter!

I would like to emphasize that what I am presenting below, I am not writing to criticize one's views, nor to oppose the learning of any church. I am translating the situation from that time, because I must express all this pain that is burdened by people after the crucifixion of the Son of God.

Jesus was completely alone with His mission!  None of the people He led, those He healed, and those He loved, did not really want to give his life for Him. In the meantime, it only helped him when things got too far and the Jewish elders gave Him a death sentence. Only a public declaration during the judgment of Jesus on the part of anyone determined to give his life for Him could stop the process of condemning him to death. Unfortunately, it did not happen because no one wanted to do it. Such an act, according to the customs of that time, could save the life of Jesus. Standing under the cross did not change the fact that the Savior of mankind was left alone. He had previously sensed that He would be completely abandoned and betrayed, so He saw only one way out in front of Him: the redemption of humanity from the hands of Satan at the cost of His own life. He accomplished this by being completely abandoned by all, even by God Himself, that Satan could not have an argument that Jesus used God's help.

In this way, a lonely Man – Jesus Christ won the battle with Satan, first defeating him in the desert in a duel alone, and then redeeming from his rule a huge part of people. But sadness and loneliness remained, as expressed by his words: "My God, my God, why did you leave me?" (Mt 27:46). Although I feel the terrible pain of a dying Jesus, I must ask a logical question here whether God really left Jesus.  Believing that the Son of God always tells the truth, I say that He was actually alone, abandoned even by God. It is true that Heavenly Father accompanied Jesus spiritually throughout his three-year mission in Israel, but in fact, in a fallen world, He had to leave His Son because He did not decide to die by crucifixion. God does not know evil and does not participate in the evil phenomena of the fallen world.  Jesus voluntarily found Hhimself in a hell led by Satan and took up the fight with him for life and death. The crucifixion was undoubtedly the evil done to Christ and no theological translation can change it. If Moses indeed received the commandment "from heaven": do not kill!, Yahweh could not suggest a method incompatible with His commandment for the forgiveness of human sins. Dramatic words spoken on the cross can be understood only if one takes into account the fact that God does not know evil and does not participate in the events of the world under Satan's rule.

Unfortunately, it must have happened that Jesus, at least partially, could save His mission, that is, lead to the redemption of humanity, or spiritual salvation.

How huge pain must have been in Jesus' heart when he died alone on the cross?! How enormous was his love for people, since in this terrible pain that they gave Him, He did not forget about His mission and He took to words of His greatness: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing!" (Lk 23, 24). These are the most wonderful words I've ever met in my life. They later became the guiding thought of Christianity, proclaiming love and forgiveness.

I note again that my considerations are based on the earlier statement that Jesus Christ was born in order to save the world from the power of Satan through teaching, not through a bloody sacrifice. This means that crucifixion was a crime against Jesus and at the same time a secondary way, leading only to the redemption of humanity, not to full salvation.

Therefore, it is even more necessary to examine why this happened. The Old Testament predictions of salvation concerning the Messiah's coming proclaimed that just before His arrival, Elijah would appear again. The apostles of Jesus, who quickly believed in their Master, but poorly knew the so-called Scriptures, repeatedly presented Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. Meanwhile, they felt somewhat confused when the Jewish scribes drew attention to the lack of Elijah who was to precede the proper coming of the Messiah. That's why they came to Jesus and asked Him to explain the problem. Jesus patiently explained to them that these scholars are right and that Elijah has already come. From the words of Jesus, they concluded that it was John the Baptist. And they passed this answer on to all the listeners. This answer also came to the scribes. Those, intrigued by the new news, turned directly to John the Baptist himself with a request to clarify the whole situation. Unfortunately, John the Baptist did not confirm the words of Jesus. He publicly renounced the role of Elijah and in a sense made Jesus a liar. Therefore, the entire Jewish elders began to treat Jesus as a false messiah and made the intention to remove him from society.

If John the Baptist fully accepted Jesus and became His apostle, and if he understood the Master's suggestion that he should be the servant of Elijah, the scribes would have the first premise to at least listen to the statements and teachings of the supposed Messiah. John had such a high social position and the opinion of an important prophet that he could help Jesus to gather around him large crowds of listeners with the participation not only of simple people, but also of the scribes. Jesus' apostles would then be promoted by John with a higher social status, and not simple Galilean fishermen and peasants. He would work in a much more educated environment and among people with broader horizons. For Him it would be a much greater chance to convince the chosen people of His teachings.

In addition, from the point of view of the salvation of the world and the repair of all human errors that contributed to the emergence of the fallen world, John the Baptist could act as an older brother to Jesus, just as Cain was the older brother of Abel. So if John the Baptist would submit to Jesus, he would be able to rectify this first crime in the history of mankind. However, through his erroneous actions he led to a situation in which the righteous Abel was again killed, how can one call Jesus. The killing role of Cain towards Jesus was played not only by John the Baptist, but above all by the chosen people.

It is worth noting that John the Baptist, even after his arrest and imprisonment in the basement of Herod's palace, continued in uncertainty and wondered if Jesus was the one for whom the Jewish people were waiting. He even stated that he should diminish his role so that the position of the Son of carpenter from Nazareth could grow, which is a testimony of a completely wrong assessment of the importance of one's own person to the one awaited by the whole nation. This statement clearly indicates that John the Baptist completely did not understand his mission. If he really believed in Jesus, he should have used all his talent, all his authority, and his high social position to help Jesus become the Messiah in the eyes of the chosen people. Meanwhile, John the Baptist ended his life with disgrace and left Jesus in a very difficult situation without the announced Elijah. This was one of the important reasons for rejecting Jesus by the Jewish people, as well as one of the important reasons for his subsequent crucifixion.

I have to deal with one more important problem regarding Christian science, namely, the claim that Jesus felt the fear of death, just like all of us. It seems that through such an assessment of the situation at that time, his followers did not understand the mission of the Messiah until the end. It is about the allegation that the Son of God had moments of weakness on the eve of his crucifixion because, despite full understanding of God's Will, He was afraid of death. This is how the words of Jesus are interpreted: "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me" (Mt 26:39). This quote is about the "cup of bitterness", that is, the death on the cross waiting for Him.

Man, perhaps, is weak, fearful and vulnerable to negative emotions. For this reason, many Christian theologians recognize that Jesus, like all of us, is subject to these weaknesses. Meanwhile, in the case of Jesus, such an assessment is wrong. On one hand, it is said that Jesus is God and on the other hand that He is a weak man susceptible to fears. This reasoning is wrong and rather explains the weaknesses of those who invented this absurd interpretation of Jesus' words spoken in Gethsemane.

Suggesting fear of death to Jesus hurts Him very much and even offends. We should not see Him this way. There are known cases when brave patriots, standing in front of the firing squad, showed great courage and total lack of fear. Of course, not everyone, but the strength of faith in their mission, even among the greatest patriots, cannot match the determination of Jesus - the Redeemer. It is also worth remembering with what determination and without fear thousands of people gave their lives for others, especially loving parents for their children. Were they better and braver than Jesus? Sometimes it is good to think before accepting the absurd view of Jesus' fear of death.

That is why we have to think about what Jesus Christ we believe in. Has our faith been shaped by the not always accurate concept of his followers and theologians of Christianity, who have matured in different social conditions? Is this perhaps just our imagination that fits human thinking? Or maybe we do not seek the explanation and forgiveness of our human weaknesses, even in someone we consider God?

It is also worth taking a look at why Jesus wanted to "take away the chalice" because it was certainly not dictated by any fear for His life. Surely Jesus prayed to Heavenly Father, to receive more time to continue His mission. He had hoped to remove the specter of the failure of his original mission to become the Messiah for the nation of Israel and for the salvation of all mankind.

What did Jesus pray for in the Garden of Olives?

First, Jesus prayed for the solace of the Heart of God, for the crucifixion of the Son of God, the Second Adam, would be the same pain for the Heavenly Father as the fall of the First Adam. The tears and the bloody sweat of Jesus in the Garden of Olives explain this well.

Second, Jesus prayed for more time to be able to fulfill the historical mission that had been prepared for several thousand years. The approaching tragedy of wasting the heroic efforts of many figures in the Old Testament and the specter of the senseless loss of shed sweat and the blood of numerous generations of Israelites caused Jesus great pain. And here the tears and bloody sweat of Jesus were perfectly in place.

Third, Jesus prayed to give the opportunity again to the  faithless  Jewish  people, for they was his people. He knew that if the nation rejected and crucified Him, it would be the beginning of his unimaginable sufferings, which would last until our time, including in the form of the Holocaust. Jesus sensed this and therefore suffered because of it.

Fourth, Jesus was looking for an additional opportunity to support His followers, because He knew that if He followed the path of martyrdom, his successors, and in the first place His apostles, would have to follow in His footsteps. He had a vision of hundreds of thousands of martyrs in his case before Him, and He expressed all pain in that matter.

The Son of God, being fully involved in uncovering the true identity of Satan, needed the support of other people. Every person, let alone Christ, who challenges Satan is not only an enemy of Satan, but also often becomes an enemy for all of his surroundings. All are subject to the direct influence of the "master of this world". They move away from the one who starts the fight with Satan, subconsciously feeling that something threatens them. It's a fight for life and death. This was seen when Jesus turned away from everyone and His apostles hid in fear for their lives. Even the closest disciple of fear denied Him in public.

Analyzing the above story, it is worth realizing that in fact God listened to the prayer of Jesus because from the inspiration of the spiritual world His most faithful apostles had a chance to help him, even if he would give his life for it.

From the middle of his mission, Jesus informed his apostles that He could be crucified. He did this so that they would be with Him in greater unity and would be able to protect Him more effectively in the future; not with a sword, but with the readiness to give life to Him. If Peter understood correctly his Master's words that there was nothing more beautiful than giving his life for his friends, instead of sleeping with John and Jacob during an important prayer in the Garden of Olives, he would pray with them that this life would serve one of them sacrifice on this day. We can imagine a situation in which Peter's determination could take another form. Instead of pulling out the sword, he could simply tell the temple attendants that they was looking for him, which in turn would wake up in Judah at the last moment, and convince him to change his behavior, i.e. to kiss Peter. Those who came to arrest Jesus did not know Him and would surely arrest anyone who would kiss Judas. And then Peter would have been crucified if, like his Master, he remained silent throughout the entire judicial process. Jesus would then have time to continue His mission. If, after the crucifixion of His disciple, He began to appear in the streets of Jerusalem, it would be a shock to its inhabitants and many would believe that He is the Messiah. The second, and this time last, chance was wasted by Peter, denying his Master. If he did not deny Him and if he publicly stated that he was always with Jesus, and also that he is ready to give his life for him, then this decision, with the silence of Jesus, could change the fate of both of them. Unfortunately, however, all hope for the extension of the mission of the Savior of mankind has fallen.

Peter, after many years, fully understood that by denying his Master for fear of losing his life, he lost the chance to save his mission. Therefore, he asked that he should be turned upside down on the cross, for he was not worthy to die like his Master.

I also hope that there will finally be a director who will make a film about the real life of Jesus. A film about his childhood, his lonely youth spent often on multi-day stays in the desert, suffering both physical and spiritual, about hunger, poverty and constant sadness. The movie about how little the family was supporting Him, about His mission, which, although it ran among people, was, however, a lonely, dramatic way to redeem the world at the hands of Satan.

Based on the above explanations, it is worthwhile to gain human solidarity with Heavenly Father and His Son. I understand this solidarity as a compassion for the Father, whom the chosen people murdered the Beloved Son. Once again in the history of mankind, God could not stop the criminal act carried out by people. We remember that for the first time a similar situation occurred first in the Garden of Eden during the fall of Adam and Eve, and then when Cain killed Abel. Now, when we got to know better the dedication of Jesus and the lonely Heart of God, we can love them even more.

There are more topics on this page regarding Jesus Christ and His Mission.

"Secrets of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ"


"Resurrection and the Last Judgment"


"Salvation of the world"


































 The theory of eternal existence - (in English)