Conditions of salvation


Salvation is a time-extended process of transition from the state of the fallen world in which there is omnipresent evil and whose "master" is Satan, to the state originally foreseen by the Creator, or to the creation of a good world under the authority of God. Colloquially, it means the type of repair or renewal. In religious terminology, it can also mean resurrection, or return to eternal life under the authority of Heavenly Father.

In this part of my study I will try to analyze the religious conditions in which humanity may be fully saved and the world without evil will come. Their analysis is directed primarily at Judaism, Islam and Christianity, because these religions should focus on the preparations for the coming of the Savior. Below I will present the so-called boundary conditions needed to analyze the process of salvation.


The first and basic level of analysis is based on the fact that God is the perfect Creator and His Will, originally established, should be realized, no matter what situation Adam, Eve and Lucifer prepared for Him. God is unchangeable and His original plan will be realized at some point because it is a perfect plan.

The second level of analysis of this phenomenon is based on explaining the situation from the Garden of Eden. Adam was without sin and in this state he was to reach the level of a perfect man. Among other things, as a son of God, he was to prove his superiority over the world of angels. He also received from the Creator his life partner, Eve, who was subject to the same criteria, because she was also a daughter of God. Together they were to create the perfect first married couple. For now, the purpose of this analysis is not to show whether such two people existed at all. This time it's only about the methodical aspect. Therefore, to initiate the salvation of the world, we need a reborn Adam, i.e. the Son of God, and Eve reborn, i.e. the Daughter of God. This is absolutely the key and basic condition for the salvation of humanity.

The third level of analysis of the concept of the way to salvation is based on the conclusions of the mission of Jesus Christ. He was born in the chosen people waiting for the coming of the Messiah. At the very beginning of the mission, He showed His personal perfection by overcoming the temptation of Satan. This showed His superiority over Satan. It also allowed Him to confirm his authority as the Son of God and to restore Adam's position. Thanks to this, Jesus Christ can be a role model for people.

The fourth level of analysis of the phenomenon of salvation concerns the necessary participation of people and angels in this process. Essenceism has shown that salvation is not an unexpected grace from God. The Creator's participation in this process can only be indirect, that is, rely on His providence. This action of her laws is to bring humanity back to the symbolic Garden of Eden, that is, to the world of God. This should happen in response to the victory over Satan worked out by the Savior, people and angels.

The fifth level of analysis concerns how to recognize a Returning Savior, which should be further explained.


Since both First Adam and Second Adam were born on Earth, the Returning Savior must also be born on Earth. The first Adam clearly had a pure pedigree inherited directly from God. The pure pedigree of the Second Adam, Jesus of Nazareth, was gradually earned by the chosen people, and actually the selected persons of the Old Testament. These people, through their faith, actions, and especially fulfillment of God's Providence, cleansed Jesus' generational line. This meant that during the birth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, it was not possible to introduce fallen nature from Satan into the womb of Mary. Of course, throughout history, these chosen people were helped by angels, because their participation was a condition for the whole process of salvation to succeed. As a result of these preparations, Archangel Gabriel could communicate to Mary the conception of the Son of God.

If we are to name the future Savior, he must be like the Third Adam, also the Son of God and also the Son of Man. It is best to call Him Returning Savior. Many saints, martyrs and other figures of the modern age work on cleansing the womb of a woman from whom he can be born. In my opinion, none of the "messiahs" I know can prove to be born of a pure womb without original sin, that is, having a divine origin. Therefore, we can safely not bother with them. In addition, this Returning Savior should be able to demonstrate his superiority and authority over the world of angels, and above all over Satan, which has not yet been accomplished by any of the "messiahs" I have known so far.

Just as God gave Adam Eve, so too should a woman appear in the chosen environment of great faith, as if she was the Third Eve for the Returning Savior.  What should have happened is what the Jewish people who did not prepare for Jesus the Bride (Second Eve) did not meet because of a lack of faith in the Son of God. The key to salvation is therefore not only to recognize and believe in the Returning Savior, but also to accept the woman who is prepared for him, whose task will be the revival of Eve's position.

In the original plan of God, Adam and Eve were to be the first ancestors for all mankind, that is, the first parents for future children of God. And so it finally has to happen. If the Returning Redeemer and the Eve reborn by Him appear on Earth, who will replace Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, then they will finally have the opportunity to return to this "garden". When they achieve personal perfection and create the perfect marriage pair, the situation will give rise to a real beginning of humanity, and Satan will automatically lose his position as the "god of this world".

I must add important attention here. As we know, God could not force Adam and Eve to "not eat fruit" in the Garden of Eden. God could not, unfortunately, compel Cain not to kill Abel, as well as many other similar cases described in the Bible. Nor could He force people not to kill Jesus Christ. Therefore, it will not force anyone to accept the Returning Savior. That is because a man should realize his responsibility in an independent and free, without any compulsion, that is, in accordance with God's Providence.

Therefore, the responsibility of every human being, of course independent of God, is the necessary own participation of each of us in the renewal of the world and ourselves. It is the fulfillment of the necessary role of man in the world created by God. Only in a state of full awareness of one's position can there be perfection to live in the real world.

The salvation of the world must take place someday, because God's Providence is behind him. It does not mean, however, God's interference in the fallen world, but God's working law that will one day be put into practice. Salvation without the effort of people, and this maximum effort, will not be possible.

The Returning Savior will save the world through teaching, which in religious language means preaching the Word of God. This teaching should gradually embrace the whole world and convince all people that God is their Father and that the coming Savior is the Son of God. His teaching should clearly show how Satan affects our lives. At the same time, as I have described above, He should revive the situation from the Garden of Eden. Thanks to this, humanity will return to its roots again. All people will become God's children, Archangel Lucifer and his angels will return to the role of Heavenly Father's servants and His children. Then the Creator will achieve His goal, that is, the creation of the Kingdom of Heaven in the physical and spiritual world.













 ESSENCEISM – a research system to determine the First Cause



Please see also the Polonised version of the Essenceizm (by "z").: - Copyright by Janusz Mazur -  (Please help me to eliminate language errors on this website!)

 there are the books created on the canvas of this website by Janusz Mazur (see: Contact)

"Essenceizm 1 - God is not from this world"

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world"

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world"

"Essenceism 4 - Vision not from this world"

"Essenceism 5 - Eternity is not from this world"

"Essenceism 6 - Unreal gods from this world"

"Essenceism 7 - Love from this and not from this world"- this publication later