Waiting for salvation


Some Christian denominations expect that whenever God wants it, He will make the Last Judgment or decide the end of the world. However, according to the analysis of essenceism, nothing like this can happen. For the Creator is the perfect architect of the universe, so He could not destroy His work simply because evil was created on Earth.

Added to this is that the Original Being, defined by essenceism as absolutely good and perfect God, should not segregate people into those He accepts and those He rejects. This phenomenon would mean the introduction of His Last Judgment. Such action would make the Creator imperfect. Unfortunately, many religions shaped their "god" for their needs, hence it can be called their imaginary god.

In addition, essenceism consistently claims that God does not know evil, which also precludes His attempts to carry out salvation or the end of the world. Therefore, one should not expect God to make the decision to send heaven the liquidator of this evil, the Savior.

The above statements are in clear conflict with the faith of many religions, such as Judaism, Islam and, above all, Christianity. In these religions, the sending or election of God by patriarchs, prophets, saints and finally the Messiah is so well-grounded that it is difficult to discuss it now.

Essenceism proposes a kind of reset in the understanding of God, which He conventionally calls the Original Being. This Being made the Earth a place to shape and grow His children. Before He did this, He prepared everything so that people could achieve perfection on it. If He didn't do that, He would be an imperfect God. His concept of the emergence of human civilization can, moreover, be realized not only on Earth, but everywhere, i.e. throughout the entire cosmos.

For it is so well refined in every respect that it will not undergo any modification by any process not derived from Him.

Humanity is needed for the process of salvation. There is no doubt about that. Those who claim that the process of salvation is God-supervised probably have no idea who the Original Being really is. Therefore, God's actions should not be adapted to human desires, because such a state distorts not only His Personality, but also results in erroneous expectations of the Earth's inhabitants towards Him. It also causes that instead of trying to fix the existing reality, people expect Almighty God to do it for them. This situation satisfies the greater part of world religions, depriving them of one of the main reasons for their existence.

All of the above arguments speak for the need for quite serious changes in understanding the phenomenon of salvation. That is why essenceism proposes such a fundamental reset. All other topics of this study also serve this purpose.








 ESSENCEISM – a research system to determine the First Cause



Please see also the Polonised version of the Essenceizm (by "z").: - www.essenceizm.pl Copyright by Janusz Mazur - janusz.m@istota.net  (Please help me to eliminate language errors on this website!)

 there are the books created on the canvas of this website by Janusz Mazur (see: Contact)

"Essenceizm 1 - God is not from this world"

"Essenceism 2 - We are from this world"

"Essenceism 3 - Evil is from this world"

"Essenceism 4 - Vision not from this world"

"Essenceism 5 - Eternity is not from this world"

"Essenceism 6 - Unreal gods from this world"

"Essenceism 7 - Love from this and not from this world"- this publication later